Kenya Trip Reports
From 28 August 2022 to 23 September 2022 I was on an educational mission trip with representatives of Seeds of South Sudan ( That organization seeks to move South Sudanese orphan children of great potential, selected by the village elders, from the refugee camp in Kakuma, Kenya, and give them a better education, starting in Nakuru, Kenya. They will pass through all levels of education: elementary, high school, and college or trade school. The goal is that they will eventually return to South Sudan to become future leaders in that new African country.

My trip reports are:
Education.pdf which describes the Seeds program.
KakumaRefugeeCamp.pdf which shows scenes in the refugee camp in Kakuma.
Healing.pdf which shows our intended distribution of bundles of medical supplies as CURE Kits from Project C.U.R.E. to augment the supplies in small rural clinics.
ThreeSundays.pdf which describes our Sunday worship activities, plus a distribution of flash drives with movies from the Jesus Film Project in the local languages.
SafariMammals.pdf which shows photos of the mammals, and a few others, that we saw during a week of professional safari at multiple sites in Kenya.
BirdPhotos-Kenya is a link to the Bird Photos directory to show a 216 species subset of bird species photographed in Kenya during the trip.
FirstImpressions.pdf" is a technical report suggesting that a quarter of South Sudan landscapes has been burned in the past few years.